Low-profile Digital I/O Controller with CAN bus and Encoder Interface 8 Inputs 8 Outputs

UIM0808 is a low-profile Digital I/O Controller with CAN Bus communication interface. User can control the UIM0808 through UIM Gateways (e.g. RS232 / USB / Ethernet) or through user CAN devices. UIM0808 embeds a high-performance DSP processing system with simple instruction set and high fault tolerance.


Low-profile Digital I/O Controller with CAN bus and Encoder Interface 16 Inputs 16 Outputs

UIM1616 is a low-profile Digital I/O Controller with CAN Bus communication interface. User can control the UIM1616 through UIM Gateways (e.g. RS232 / USB / Ethernet) or through user CAN devices. UIM0808 embeds a high-performance DSP processing system with simple instruction set and high fault tolerance.
